Indian Addiction and Recovery Blog

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March 10, 2012
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels When a loved one becomes a lost one, and you feel as if you've been replaced by a powdery substance, a pill, or a bottle—what do you do? …what can you do to help?? Before we get into the details of understanding an addict, think about how people develop the ability to help. How does a teacher…

are you addicted to alcohol
March 3, 2012
Am I an alcoholic? Do I really have a problem? And if I do, do I need to seek help? Like any other addiction, before an alcoholic can recover, the disease must be identified and accepted by the addict himself. But how do you identify an alcohol addiction? Alcohol Addiction | Identification The CAGE questionnaire is a useful acronym commonly…

A plane
February 24, 2012
DeAddictionCentres.IN is the largest directory of drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres in India, with over 500 centres. We are constantly adding centres and we love to hear of the great work that is being done in a variety of centres. Addiction awareness and treatment opportunities are growing at a rapid pace throughout the country. Our mission is to help those…

February 17, 2012
DELHI: Last Monday a comprehensive national policy to aid in the curbing of drug abuse was announced by finance minister, Pranab Mukherjee. The policy responds to the intensifying drug menace in India, and represents India's strong commitment of rising to the challenge presented by substance abuse in our country. India: A Magnet for Substance Abuse As a country sandwiched between…

February 7, 2012
Baahir sinks his brown hand into the soil and pulls out a handful of black dirt. Water seeps into the hole he formed, and he drops two seeds that splash into the ground. Habitually, he brushes the soil back over the seeds, and begins forming the next hole. Baahir is a heroin addict, and he works on a farm owned…

February 3, 2012
"It's as if we're sitting on a time bomb that can explode at any time." Dr. JPS Bhatia, a local doctor who has run a Punjab rehab clinic for the last 15 years, said this regarding the drug menace in Punjab. [ref][/ref] And as the impact of the 2012 elections continue to develop, the (drug) bomb seems to be…

January 28, 2012
You've walked around the casino for the last three hours feeding slot machines, playing roulette, feeling the thrill of winning and the agony of losing. But right now you feel lucky, a sort of feeling you couldn't explain to someone, but makes perfect sense to you. A feeling where when going up against 1 and 3 odds doesn't seem like…

January 26, 2012
Are you addicted to Facebook? Don't say no too quickly... More and more people are beginning to admit it: they're addicted! As absurd as it may sound, Facebook addiction is considered a social disorder by many experts, and as addicts increasingly "come clean," or attempt to go on "Facebook fasts," the idea of addiction is becoming progressively viable. Facebook Lifestyle…

January 24, 2012
Have you ever been stunned by the power of illicit drugs? Have you watched a drug destroy a friend or family member? Maybe you or someone you love is addicted right now. Cocaine is often the culprit of these intense addictions, and frequently elicits short and long term effects that can tear the fabric of a family, a life, or…

quit smoking
January 13, 2012
You've seen the pictures: a cigarette pressed between grey and yellow teeth, human lungs blackened from the effects of smoking, a dejected man blowing smoke between his brown lips – images like these show us the effects of smoking; they tell us the facts. But even facts are often sidelined when dealing with addiction, and common sense fades into the…

December 22, 2011
Life is like a balloon. Stress stretches its rubber fabric; responsibility fills it to full capacity day in and day out. One thing goes wrong, and ‘pop!' your day is ruined, your business bankrupt, your family shattered, your life – a wreck. And the next day, the balloon rapidly fills – only to pop again. Life is stressful, full of…

December 7, 2011
If you are presently, or once were – addicted to drugs, then you understand the intense power of illicit drug use; you recognize the dangers of potential dependence on an external substance, and you can comprehend the difficulty of the "recovery road." Maybe you're on that road, or perhaps you're scared to embark down the intimidating path to recovery. Possibly…

November 29, 2011
Cocaine embodies a certain status symbol and has developed a reputation for those who use it in India. Cocaine users are known in India as the country's "Thin Upper Crust." With its exclusively high price tag and scarcity in India, those who can come to possess cocaine are often elevated quickly to an elite social status in some circles. Cocaine…

non-medical effects of drug abuse in India
November 15, 2011
Father sits inside waiting for the effect of his ecstasy pills to kick in. He lost his job two months ago. Mother rolls bidis under a homemade cloth tent outside trying to make ends meet for the family. Their two children would rather occupy the streets of Punjab looking for relief from their difficult life than experiencing the hardships of…

November 4, 2011
Is drug abuse becoming the sixth flowing river in the State of Five Rivers? What is happening to Punjab? Punjab represents a sacred portion of our country. The rich history of this ancient land has given its people a sense of native pride. Punjab is a blessed region of India that once stood witness to countless victories and triumphs. Preserved…