Indian Addiction and Recovery Blog

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Are Needle and Syringe Programmes Effective for Harm Reduction
September 13, 2011
As illegal drug use continues to pose pandemic-like threats to countries around the world, governments seem to be losing hope in their ultimate purpose for drug abusers: abstaining from illegal drugs. Complete Abstinence? Though total abstinence is a commendable and necessary goal, governments are beginning to view the ambition as impossible. As a result, harm reduction, a program recently employed…

Kripa Foundation De-Addiction Drive
September 9, 2011
Drug abuse continues to impose a very real concern across India. With abusers living in nearly 70% of Indian homes, the seriousness of this problem has devastating potential. Importance of De-Addiction Drives [caption id="attachment_1966" align="alignleft" width="354"] A De-Addiction drive held by the Kripa Foundation[/caption] When you consider the growing Indian drug industry, and the disturbing causalities and effects of drug…

Chaitanya Mental Health Care Centre Facility
September 6, 2011
Hi There Friends, I would like to thank Mr. Rony George and Mrs. Sushupti Rony director and program co-ordinator at chaitanya mhcc. For wat i am today, I was an addict as well as a p.d. It is because of them that I stand here today on my own with my head held high. Going through rough patches and a…

June 2, 2011
This story can be found on Faith Foundation Society's website. To find out more about Faith, go to their website or check out their listing page. I was in my graduation when I started using alcohol for fun and curiosity. After some days my sense of fun would only be related to consuming alcohol. In my 3rd year I was…

Shri Yogendra Kumar - President of Sai Sahara
May 26, 2011
[caption id="attachment_1764" align="alignleft" width="140" caption="Shri Yogendra Kumar - President of Sai Sahara"][/caption] This story is about Shri Yogendra Kumar, President of Sai Sahara Drug De-Addiction and Rehabilitation Centre. The story can be found on their website. To find out more about Sai Sahara, check out their website or go to their listing page. It wouldn't have been possible for me…

May 19, 2011
It seems there is a new article written almost weekly about technology addiction among the younger generation. The article below was just written in the India Times about SMS addiction. What do you think? Is this an addiction? Have you come in contact with people who are addicted to texting or other technology? Maybe you are even addicted yourself. What…

May 18, 2011
This story was written by Sankalp Rehabilitation Trust and can be found on their website. You find out more about Sankalp by going to their website or checking out their listing page. Meena walked in, dressed in white, her long black tresses tied back in a ponytail, carrying an assortment of files, folders and registers. 18 month old Armaan was…

May 11, 2011
Sreekanth's story was originally posted on Serenity Foundation's Website. To find out more about Serenity Foundation go to their site or check out their listing page. I had beer for the first time at the age of 15 along with my school mates in the summer holidays after finishing my S.S.C. exams. I liked the effect that beer had on…

May 4, 2011
This is an eyeopening article originally from Times of India. Purba Dutt considers why "celebs in the West don't mind facing their inner demons on the psychiatrist's couch, but most Indians remain wary." Actor Catherine Zeta Jones went for some rehab shopping last week, checked herself into a facility, and after about two weeks' treatment for bipolar disorder, the Welsh…

Dwijen's story was originally posted on Muktangan Rehabilitation's website. Find out more about Muktangan on their listing page. The universal saying goes that a cat has nine lives. As an individual, I wouldn't know whether it is true or not, but in my case, the fact is that I have had three lives. As my name suggests, I got two…

April 14, 2011
Armaan's story was originally posted on Hope Trust's website. Find out more about Hope Trust on their listing page. I am a recovering drug addict. I started drinking heavily and abusing drugs when I was 16. I didn't realize what was happening to me and soon I was in the grip of addiction. I couldn't stop using drugs and everyday…

This story is originally from Miracle Foundation's website. Miracle Foundation is a women's de-addiction centre in Bangalore. You can read about it on their listing page. I hope this story is an encouragement! Hello, my name is Susan and I'm an addict. Living in a very religious family I always felt deprived and controlled. I was full of fear and…

April 12, 2011
The popularity of Social Media has never been higher and shows no sign of fading. According to an article written at the beginnning of this year, 60% of Indian internet users use social media. And that number is only growing, as recent numbers on Facebook users show. At the end of 2010, Indian Facebook users numbered around 17 million. Just…

April 5, 2011
BANGALORE: The HR head of a Mumbai-based FMCG firm was not in the country when the news reached him. He heard that a former employee, who had shown "great promise", had died of a drug overdose. The man had been part of middle management in operations and the HR head had personally recruited him, having seen undeniable talent and ability.…

NEW DELHI: Tobacco usage by students not only creates health hazards but also develops criminal instincts in them. The Delhi high court said this on Wednesday, asking all educational institutions in the capital to check the sale of tobacco in their vicinity. The division bench of chief justice Dipak Misra and Justice Sanjiv Khanna said passive smoking is as dangerous…