Is Marijuana Really Safe or Are We Overlooking the Risks?
Marijuana, also known as cannabis, has been used for centuries in medicine, spirituality, and recreation. Today, its use is increasing worldwide, with many people viewing it as a natural and harmless substance. Some countries have even legalised it for medical and recreational purposes. In India, marijuana holds a unique place. It is linked to religious……
Art Therapy and the Healing Power of Creative Expression
Are you scared of going for talk therapy and want something more comfortable to start with? Do you struggle to put your feelings into words? Or maybe traditional therapy hasn’t worked for you, and you’re looking for something different. If any of this sounds familiar, art therapy might be worth exploring. Art therapy is a……
How a Fast-Paced Lifestyle Impacts Mental Health and Ways to Find Balance
Do you feel like you’re stuck in an endless cycle of daily tasks, rushing from one thing to another with barely any time to breathe? You wake up, check your phone, reply to emails, get ready for work, and before you know it, the day is over only to repeat the same routine tomorrow. In……
Rising Divorce Rates in India and What They Reveal About Changing Relationships
Divorce rates in India are rising. More couples are choosing to separate than ever before. This is a big change in a country where marriage has always been seen as a lifelong commitment. For many years, divorce was rare. Society expected couples to stay together no matter what. But things are different now. More people……
How to Recognize and Treat Tramadol Addiction
Tramadol is a widely prescribed pain reliever used to treat moderate to severe pain. It is an opioid, but it also affects brain chemicals like serotonin and norepinephrine. Because of this, doctors once believed it had a lower risk of addiction compared to stronger opioids. However, research has shown that Tramadol can still lead to……
Understanding Stress: What It Is and How It Affects Your Body and Mind
Introduction: Stress is normal, but it can get out of hand Stress is a natural part of life. It is your body’s way of responding to challenges, whether big or small. From running late to an important meeting to facing major life changes, stress is a universal experience. In small doses, stress can be helpful….…
Understanding Sexual Trauma: Signs, Symptoms, and Long-Term Effects
Experiencing sexual trauma is life-changing and often leaves survivors carrying a heavy burden that many don’t see. It is an experience that can affect every part of a person’s life physically, emotionally, and mentally, and it is something no one should have to face alone. For survivors, understanding what they are feeling and why can……
The Mental Health Impacts of Gender Reassignment Surgeries
Imagine waking up every day feeling like a stranger in your own body. For many transgender individuals, this is their reality, a deep disconnect between their physical body and their true identity. This feeling, known as gender dysphoria, can take a huge toll on mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, and even struggles with self-worth….…
Childhood Trauma: How Early Experiences Shape Adult Lives
The word “trauma” has become a common part of our conversations, often used to describe everything from stressful experiences to life-altering events. While the term is widely recognised, its deeper meaning and implications are sometimes misunderstood. Trauma isn’t just about what happened. It’s about how those events were experienced and the lasting effects they can……
Understanding Salvia: Effects and Risks
Imagine a plant that has the power to take you on a journey beyond reality, altering your perception, emotions, and even your sense of self—all within a matter of minutes. This is the world of Salvia divinorum, a psychoactive herb that has captured attention globally for its intense and often unpredictable effects. While Salvia has……