What is Marijuana?
Also known as ganja, pot, herb, grass, kif, weed, Mary Jane, reefer, skunk, chronic, boom, and gangster; Marijuana is a drug commonly abused throughout India. A blend of stems, seeds, and leaves from the cannabis sativa plant combine to create the drug.
Modes of delivery vary from mixing it with foods, to brewing it as tea. But the most common way of administrating the drug is by smoking. Typically smoked as a cigarette or in a pipe, Marijuana is easilydisguised and thus readily available in most any urban area.[ref][/ref]
Marijuana Addiction Risks:

The potential threat marijuana poses to the brain produces the drug’s biggest concern.THC, the main active chemical in marijuana, flows rapidly from the lungs to the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream the chemical gains entrance into many of the body’s main organs, including the brain.
THC has the potential to impair learning and memory ability for weeks after use. The result is consequential. Those who smoke marijuana continuously may be constantly at a suboptimal mental state to those who do not.
Marijuana Use in India:
Large tracts of cannabis grow unrestricted in many northern parts of India. Indian law makes it illegal to possess marijuana but is rarely enforced. Implementation of the law would be very difficult due to the drug’s popularity.
Its low priority enforcement is cause for concern in India.[ref][/ref]
Marijuana Abuse Signs:
- Bloodshot eyes
- Smells like marijuana (sweet smell)
- Drowsiness
- Uncoordinated, awkward movements
- Giggling or being silly
Effects of Marijuana:
- Effect on brain
- Addictive potential
- Effects heart
- Effects lungs
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