Crack Cocaine
WHat is Crack Cocaine?
Commonly referred to as crack, rock(s), sleet, base, cloud, hard ball, and nuggets, crack cocaine is the crystal form of pure cocaine, which is usually a white powder. Crack cocaine has a yellowish-white tint to it, and looks like small chunks of soap or plaster.
Crack is usually broken down into small chunks and heated. When the substance burns it makes popping or cracking noises, giving the drug its name. The fumes are usually inhaled or smoked giving the user an immediate, but short “high”—usually lasting about 15 minutes.
What are the threats of Crack Cocaine?
Stimulating primary pleasure centers in your brain, crack is one of the most powerful illegal drugs in India. The extreme heightened sense of euphoria experienced shortly after using crack presents a danger in a number of ways:
- First, people often start using crack compulsively after the first dose.
- Second, tolerance towards crack develops very quickly—and larger doses are required to receive the same high.
- Third, physiological dependence (not being able to function without the drug) is often produced after continued use.
What’s the most dangerous aspect of Cocaine? It’s incredibly addictive. And because it’s so addictive, you must stay away from this expensive drug that can quickly ruin your life.
Can crack cocaine ruin my life?
The short answer to this question is yes.
But how? How can a simple yellowish-white substance destroy my life?
Crack ruins your life by taking control of it. Immediately following the short-lived high is a stage of depression, edginess and a constant craving for more of the drug. And suddenly, after you try crack a couple times, you can’t live without it—you become dependent on it.

Regardless of how often or how much of the drug you use, crack cocaine increases your risk of experiencing a heart attack, stroke, seizure or respiratory (breathing) failure—any of which can result in sudden death.[ref][/ref]
Because of these intense effects of crack, it often spills over into the rest of your life. The drug is incredibly expensive impacting your finances, its addictive nature effects your relationships and home life, and because you constantly want more—you’re never fully satisfied.
Effects of Crack Cocaine
Crack has a number of short and long term effects that impact you mentally and physically. Here are a few of the most prominent:
- Short Term: Loss of appetite, depression, anxiety and paranoia, nausea, dilated pupils, irritability and hallucinations.
- Long Term: Liver, Kidney and lung damage. Severe chest pains, tooth decay, sexual problems and severe depression.
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