Cause is a body of professional, young and energetic social workers who work with an aim of contributing for betterment of the society. CAUSE is registered under Indian trust act. The body is there for any issue, which has direct or indirect impact on the development of society. The development of society means the development of people; we live in a society which has become composite in every way. This has led to a wide range of problems and development of inestimable social ills and evils. Cause is an initiative to get together for any sort of problem, understand, try and frame solutions for these problems. Cause is there to work in systematic manner to provide for better alternative ways to deal with the problems that are there as parasites and are chewing the society slowly and gaining speed with the passage of time. Cause will be there to identify the problems deal every problem with same intensity whether minor or major. This is the means to an end and way to do what our perception is. Cause is an idea that will be practically implemented; we claim to be developing into a welfare state which is still very hard to achieve, until we understand it at the individual level and start contributing to it. Cause thus will be a drop to get the ocean of welfare filled. Individualism is developing into an unavoidable problem, which needs to be understood so immediately as not to see the immature decline of our civilization. Need is make solidarity of ideas possible to achieve objective of the better society. Cause is an initiative leaving no scope of any minor or major problem unaddressed. We at cause would stand for every real cause with main aim of overall development of society. It will be totally apolitical and flexible. We will avoid the mistakes and disillusionment of the past, committed by people working in the related field.

Our work on Drug De-Addiction in Kashmir:

CAUSE is working on Drug Free Kashmir from last 3 years. We are working on three diminutions of the problem:

1. Working with targets population i.e. drug addicts.

2. Drug de-addiction awareness programs in youth/colleges/schools and community biased programs.

3. Working with policy makers.

Counseling programs with Drug addict Groups

CAUSE is having network in drug addicts groups. We take counseling secession in addict groups for motivating them for treatment.

We have organized many awareness /seminars in different colleges/schools of Kashmir


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Cost: Not Available
Duration: Not Available

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