Dr. Sumeet Inder’s Psychiatry Clinic for Deaddiction, Counseling and Psychiatric Treatment ( Verified)
We do office based deaddiction, in which without admitting, the patient is managed on an O.P.D basis.
Treatment for addiction varies widely according to the types of drugs involved, amount of drugs used, duration of the drug addiction, associated mental or physical illness, medical complications and the social needs of the individual.
Treatment for drug abuse or dependence begins with a detailed history/evaluation about drug use, physical and mental status examination to make a formal diagnosis. Then drug use is stopped & the withdrawal is managed symptomatically with medicines, without any pain or discomfort . Sometimes a drug with a similar action is taken instead e.g buprenorhine .(substitution/replacement therapy) .
Treatment programs also include counseling, both for the person and his family . These programs use behavior modification techniques, which are designed to get users to recognize their behaviors and teach new coping skills . Drug treatment programs have a long after-care part which helps in staying abstinent.(Drug free)
We do de-addiction from Alcohol & Drugs Like Opium (Afeem), Heroin, Smack, Bhukhi, Codeine, Parvon, lomotil, etc.