Choosing the Perfect De-addiction Centre: 7 Helpful Tips
Millions of people once addicted to drugs or alcohol have found ways to sober up and stay sober. Organisations like Alcoholics Anonymous and their infamous 12-step programme have helped thousands, and myriads of treatment centres around the world have helped clients accomplish their goals of getting and staying clean.
But maybe you’ve been to rehab and have since relapsed. Or perhaps you’re looking for a place to recover, and you can’t seem to find a fit. You aren’t alone.
Of the nearly 24 million teens and adults with addiction problems, only about 1 in 10 receive treatment. And of those who do complete a “professional” detox programme, some end up relapsing and reliving old habits.
I don’t want to place the blame entirely on the treatment centres, but many of them are still using old techniques. “There are exceptions, but of the many thousands of treatment programmes out there, most use exactly the same kind of treatment you would have received in 1950…” A. Thomas McLellan, co-founder of the Treatment Research Institute in Philadelphia says.
In a report published last year by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, we discover that “the vast majority of people in need of addiction treatment do not receive anything that approximates evidence-based care.”
The fact of the matter is, you don’t want to end up in one of these out-dated treatment centres. This means that you need to do some research, and know what to look for.
Seven Things to Do Before You Go to a Rehab Centre
While searching for a superior de-addiction centre, there are a few general things to look for, and some to watch out for. These pointers are a distillation of the common wisdom of people who have worked in the field of drug abuse and de-addiction.
(1) Know Your Treatment Needs Before You Enter the Centre
Before you enter treatment, do your homework! Know what kind of treatment you need before you show up to the clinic. How do you do this?
According to Anne M. Fletcher, a science writer, and author of the new book “Inside Rehab,” you should get an independent assessment of your treatment needs from someone not affiliated with the rehab you’re considering.
(2) Know the Credentials of the Treatment Staff
Knowing the credentials of the treatment staff will give you a good idea of the type of treatment you will receive.
“At least a master’s degree,” says Mrs Fletcher. And if the therapist is a physician he or she should be certified in addiction recovery.
(3) Set up a Meeting With Your Primary Care Therapist
You should understand the techniques of your therapist before you even meet them. Meeting with a therapist before rehab is important, so don’t overlook the research.
“It should be more than movies, lectures or three-hour classes three times a week,” Ms. Fletcher said. “You should be treated by a licensed addiction counselor who will see you one-on-one. Treatment should be individualized. One size does not fit all.”
(4) The Centre Should Have Multiple Treatment Options
If the centre you’re considering only has a couple treatment options, you may want to reconsider. Lots of programs typically means lots of help from varying backgrounds and experience.
You should also research the different treatment techniques used at the centre. Is the centre in tune with more modern validated treatment methods? A few good methods to look for might be:
• Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
• Community Reinforcement
• Family Training and Support
(5) Look for a High Recovery Rate
Check out the centre’s website. Is there a recovery rate? Often, centres with a high recovery rate will mention that percentage somewhere on their web page.
For example, Safe House Wellness Retreat, a verified centre boasts one of India’s highest recovery rates — 85%.
(6) Is the Centre Verified? Does It Have Good Reviews?
The centres verified through, are usually more reliable than non-verified centres. Although there are many centres that have not been verified that will effectively treat addiction.
Talking with people who have been through a detox programme will provide you with valuable insight. Also, checking out the web reviews often directly demonstrates the quality of treatment at a centre.
(7) Is It a Legal Centre?
The presence of illegal de-addiction centres across India is a growing problem. To prevent getting tricked into recovering illegally, the Indian government has set up basic guidelines for legitimate centres.
Legal deaddiction centres must have each of the following:
• An MBBS doctor
• A trained psychiatrist (someone who specialises in diagnosing mental disorders).
• A trained counsellor (an individual competent in giving legitimate advice and direction to addicts).
• Trained staff for the giving of medicines to the patients.
Begin your search today by browsing our de-addiction centre directory.
Best of luck to you in your search for a quality recovery experience.