Samarpan Alcohol and Drug Treatment Centre ( Verified)
• Long-term, residential – Samarpan is a long term, residential treatment program lasting from 30 to 90 days. The length of the program is important because it gives you time in a healthy, drug-free environment to learn to live without alcohol and other drugs.
• 12-Step recovery model – as part of your recovery, you will be required to work through the “12-Steps”. This involves coming to terms with the reality of alcoholism and addiction, breaking through denial, learning to rely on other more healthy and positive approaches instead of one’s own often self destructive thinking and behaviour and eventually embracing a life style and attitude steeped in positivity.
• Cognitive Behavioural Coping Skills Training (CBST) – Although by and large a 12 Step treatment program, Samarpan does acknowledge and incorporate elements of CBST:
1. Relapse Prevention – Relapse or a return to addiction after a period of abstinence remains a harsh reality and we at Samarpan educate you on the various warning signs leading up to a relapse and how to deal with them instead of giving in to the urge to use alcohol or other drugs.
2. Recovery Planning – Working on the premise that a life free from alcohol and drugs is not a bed of roses, we prepare you for life outside of Samarpan. This includes daily activities, a routine balanced life and exposure to support groups.
3. Life Skills – It has been seen that people with substance abuse issues generally have poor life skills. The World Health Organisation has listed 10 core life skills that can fit into three broad categories: Thinking Skills; Social Skills and Negotiation Skills. Through re-educative sessions you will learn how a poor utilisation of these have impacted your life and accordingly learn to use and incorporate life skills for a better life.
• Group work – Group work provides a forum for you to explore your personal issues, at the same time helping you build effective communication skills with other people. This allows you, while focusing on your own recovery, to also learn about other people and take time to attend to their needs as well as your own.
• Abstinence based – Samarpan aims to help you achieve abstinence; that’s our goal. For example, an alcoholic doesn’t become a social drinker and an addict doesn’t become a ‘recreational’ user. The reason we advocate abstinence from alcohol and other drugs is that there is a strong tendency for people to swap addictions and to relapse after abstaining for a period of time.
• Spiritual framework – We believe that a spiritual base is essential to the program. We recognize that humans are emotional, mental and spiritual beings and want to help you reach your full potential. The 12-Steps itself is a spiritual recovery model because an important part of recovery is admitting a sense of powerlessness over our addictive behaviour. This admittance and its follow up actions are designed to take one out of himself, in essence to stop relying on self and instead to start depending upon a healthier and more prudent body of wisdom and experience.
• Family-focussed – During and after the program, intervention and support for family and significant others is encouraged and offered. Where breakdown has occurred, we aim to help you rebuild damaged relationships if possible. We also realise your family may need help to understand the new person who’s coming into their family circle again! We offer support in this regard.
Samarpan offers both a/c as well as non a/c accommodation with attached bathrooms and a seated dining area. Spacious well ventilated rooms and ample open area provide for a therapeutic setting.
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