• Dwijen, a Former Addict, Gives Back

    Dwijen, a Former Addict, Gives Back

    The universal saying goes that a cat has nine lives. As an individual I wouldn’t know whether it is true or not, but in my case the fact is that I have had three lives.

  • Armaan – Finding Hope at Hope Trust

    Armaan – Finding Hope at Hope Trust

    I am a recovering drug addict. I started drinking heavily and abusing drugs when i was 16. I didn’t realize what was happening to me and soon I was in the grip of addiction. I couldn’t stop using drugs and everyday would find a reason to get high. Slowly, I was so addicted to it…

  • Susan’s Story

    Susan’s Story

    Living in a very religious family I always felt deprived and controlled. I was full of fear and became very angry when things didnt go my way. This behavior continued during my adolescent years. In school I felt very inferior to everybody. I felt that I am not good enough to fit in anywhere and…

  • Indian De-Addiction Centres Delve into Social Media

    Indian De-Addiction Centres Delve into Social Media

    The popularity of Social Media has never been higher and shows no sign of fading. According to an article written at the beginnning of this year, 60% of Indian internet users use social media. And that number is only growing, as recent numbers on Facebook users show. At the end of 2010, Indian Facebook users……

  • Performance stress drives executives to quick-fix drugs

    BANGALORE: The HR head of a Mumbai-based FMCG firm was not in the country when the news reached him. He heard that a former employee, who had shown “great promise”, had died of a drug overdose. The man had been part of middle management in operations and the HR head had personally recruited him, having……

  • Schools and colleges to check tobacco sale

    NEW DELHI: Tobacco usage by students not only creates health hazards but also develops criminal instincts in them. The Delhi high court said this on Wednesday, asking all educational institutions in the capital to check the sale of tobacco in their vicinity. The division bench of chief justice Dipak Misra and Justice Sanjiv Khanna said……

  • Positive High

    One-time addicts spoke of deceit, divorce and destroyed relationships, lost jobs, lies – even of thieving – as a way of life in their dark years, and of waking up in unfamiliar streets with soiled pants and empty pockets. Listening to them speak of their one-day-at-a-time vow to stay off drinks, and of their unflinching……

  • ATS

    ATS ATS (Amphetamine-Type Stimulants) The cheap, easily accessible, and hard to control nature of Amphetamine-Type Stimulants have given them the title of the second most abused drug worldwide. After cannabis, ATS easily take second place, outdoing heroin and cocaine. The lasting effect and enduring pleasure produced shortly after intake is the attraction for millions of……

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  • LSD

    LSD LSD Known as the world’s most powerful hallucinogen, LSD is a potent mood-changing chemical. Also called acid, blotter and dots, the drug has been abused for its hallucinogenic properties since the 1960s. Scientists originally manufactured LSD to help psychiatric patients deal with their dissorder. But once the patients discovered the intense mind-altering effects of……

  • Mandrax

    Mandrax What is Mandrax (Methaqualone)? Originally a product of Indian science – mandrax, also called Quaalude, ludes, buttons, press outs, andquas, quacks, soaps, and sopes was developed by biochemical researchers in the early 1950s. As a highly addictive sedative drug typically sold in the form of a tablet, mandrax allegedly gives its abuser a “rush,”……
