LSD LSD Known as the world’s most powerful hallucinogen, LSD is a potent mood-changing chemical. Also called acid, blotter and dots, the drug has been abused for its hallucinogenic properties since the 1960s. Scientists originally manufactured LSD to help psychiatric patients deal with their dissorder. But once the patients discovered the intense mind-altering effects of……

  • Mandrax

    Mandrax What is Mandrax (Methaqualone)? Originally a product of Indian science – mandrax, also called Quaalude, ludes, buttons, press outs, andquas, quacks, soaps, and sopes was developed by biochemical researchers in the early 1950s. As a highly addictive sedative drug typically sold in the form of a tablet, mandrax allegedly gives its abuser a “rush,”……

  • Methadone

    Methadone What is Methadone? Methadone, known commercially as Dolophine, Methadose and Methadose Sugar-Free, is an opioid pain reliever. Its make up is similar to morphine’s. Methadone is typically used to relieve moderate to severe pain that couldn’t be treated by a non-narcotic pain reliever. [ref] http://www.drugs.com/methadone.html [/ref] Methadone and De-Addiction Interestingly, Methadone is used in……

  • Crystalline Methamphetamine

    Crystalline Methamphetamine The drug methamphetamine is highly addictive, and the third most-abused substance in the whole world that affects the central nervous system. Methamphetamine is a shiny salt white or sometimes blue rock-like substance, usually called “a glass drug”. It is smoked with a glass pipe. However, people are abusing it in millions of different……

  • Heroin

    Heroin What is Heroin? Though appraised as an illegal drug, heroin’s highly addictive nature continues to give it a worldwide market. Known for the intense rush felt shortly after intake, heroin presents a threat to the human body on a number of levels. Commonly known as dope, big H, Dr Feelgood, smack, thunder, mud, skag,……

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  • Alcohol

    Alcohol What is Alcohol? The availability and social acceptance of alcohol makes it one of the most commonly consumed intoxicating substances on earth.   Alcohol Addiction Threats: [ref] http://www.addictionindia.org/images-ttkh/alcohol-related-harm-in-india-a-fact-sheet.pdf[/ref] Nearly 15% of individuals who “try” alcohol develop a dependency to it, and become alcoholics. Alcohol poses major and minor threats to a number of bodily……

  • Tranquilizers

    Tranquilizers What are Tranquilizers? Tranquilizers are a unique and potentially dangerous class of drugs used to induce states of relaxation and feeling of artificial tranquility. Individuals struggling with mental health issues and frequent anxiety attacks often use tranquilizers to help “calm themselves down.” Tranquilizers fall into two basic categories: Major and Minor. The difference between……

  • OxyContin

    Oxycontin What is OxyContin (Oxycodone)? OxyContin became a legal prescription drug less than 20 years ago. The narcotic pain reliever is a derivative of opium; its active ingredient is Oxycodone. When used correctly, OxyContin provides extended relief from pain associated with cancer, back pain or arthritis. However, this drug is often used for purposes unintended……

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  • Nicotine

    Nicotine What is Nicotine? Tobacco has a rich history, dating as far back as the sixteenth century. The initial controversy with tobacco use was social acceptance. When addicts would use the drug people would complain about the hygienic aspects of spit tobacco. The modern concern for the narcotic is, of course, based on its health-impairing……

  • Crack Cocaine

    Crack Cocaine WHat is Crack Cocaine? Commonly referred to as crack, rock(s), sleet, base, cloud, hard ball, and nuggets, crack cocaine is the crystal form of pure cocaine, which is usually a white powder. Crack cocaine has a yellowish-white tint to it, and looks like small chunks of soap or plaster. Crack is usually broken……
