Women, Violence and Addiction: Breaking the Links in India
After the horrific attack on a female student in Delhi, which resulted in her death due to intense internal injuries and bleeding, more women in India have chosen to speak out about their own experiences of violence at the hands of both strangers and the people they know and love. Even the journalist Nita Bahalla,……
Founder of World's Leading Women's Recovery Center Visits India on a Mission of Hope for Women Addicts
In the past few years, we have documented the growing challenge women in India face as they try to find help for addiction. We’ve been excited to see progress in this area. Some centres have been developing ways to help women specifically and some are even adding specific women’s programs. In a new and exciting……
Why Do People Start Drinking and Doing Drugs?
Has this thought ever run through your brain: "You know, I would really like to ruin my life. And I'd like to start today!" I hope not. I also hope you'll never ruin your life. But just in case you were curious how to end up depressed, lonely, miserable, and feeling like death itself —……
The Misery of Drug and Alcohol Use
Imagine a woman stops you on the street today and asks, "Do you want your life to be miserable when you get older?" Hopefully, you'd look at her like she was crazy and say, "No! Why would you ask me that?"[ref] How to Ruin your Life By 30: nine surprisingly Everyday mistakes you might be……
New Drinking Laws in India: Irrational?
In case you didn’t know, last year Maharashtra passed a new drinking law. A law causing lots of discussion and division. A law creating criminals out of young drinkers. A law adorned by a few, loathed by more than a few and mocked by many (and you should know, the mockers don't necessarily live in……
University of Delhi Students Report on Drug Industry
A group of students at the University of Delhi have published and presented a report on the economy and social impact of illicit drugs. We’ve pasted the powerpoint slides below. The report brings up some interesting points. One of their conclusions is that illicit drugs should be partially legalized. After reading their conclusions what do……
A Pastor, the Nazis, and Bill W: The Origins and Impact of the Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference. These words, known as the Serenity Prayer, have become inseparably linked with AA and are used for those recovering from a variety of addictions around the world. India……
Most Popular Drugs In India: Cannabis/Marijuana (part 3)
In my introductory post, we compared drugs to an explosion that went of decades ago in India. This explosion takes its toll on India everyday, and three drugs seem to contribute more than any other. Coming in as India’s third most popular drug, tobacco. We found that this dangerous substance affects not only our health,……
Most Popular Drugs in India: Heroin/ Brown Sugar (part 2)
[…this is a continuation of our blog series: “Most Popular Drugs in India.” Read our first post discussing Tobacco use in India] The United Nations recently declared India as southern Asia’s biggest consumer of heroin, in a comprehensive drug report. Often thought of as an ideal transit point for countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan or Nepal,……
Most Popular Drugs in India: Tobacco (part 1)
In my quest to discover the most popular drug in India, I stumbled across many many illicit and legal drugs, and variations of those drugs. But as I searched, it became clear that three drugs outdid the rest. Tobacco was amongst the leaders–and according to my research, comes in third place. Choices Are Reality Have……