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This new year creating habits that stick

February 8, 2024
Reviewed by: Rajnandini Rathod

Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions and Forming New Habits

As the euphoria of the New Year begins to settle, many of us find ourselves entangled in the intricate web of resolutions and newfound determination. Whether shedding those extra pounds, embracing a healthier lifestyle, or conquering professional goals, the journey to self-improvement often begins with the resolute promise of a fresh start. Yet, as the weeks unfold, so do the familiar challenges that threaten to derail our well-intentioned aspirations. 

The allure of old habits, the demands of a hectic schedule, and the unexpected curveballs life throws our way all conspire to test the strength of our newfound commitments. How often have you felt the initial burst of motivation wane as the year progresses? Do you find yourself wondering why forming new habits feels like an uphill battle?

Take a moment to reflect on the hurdles that have tripped you up in the past. Are you struggling to strike the right balance between ambition and feasibility? Does the fear of failure linger like a shadow, casting doubt on your ability to persist? These are the common roadblocks that many encounter on the quest for self-improvement. It is also important to know how to create compassionate resolutions

But fear not, for in this journey of personal transformation, we navigate not just through challenges but also opportunities for growth. In this blog, we’ll explore the science behind habit formation, unveil strategies to overcome common obstacles and guide you through a process of introspection that will empower you to break free from the shackles of past setbacks.

Reflecting on Goals

Reconnect with Your Resolutions: Start by revisiting the resolutions you set at the dawn of the year. What were the driving forces behind those decisions? Was it the desire for a healthier body, a more balanced lifestyle, or perhaps the pursuit of professional excellence? Rekindle the flame of motivation by acknowledging the significance of these aspirations in your life.

Uncover the ‘Why’: Understanding the ‘why’ behind your resolutions is paramount. Dig deep and identify the intrinsic motivations that fueled your commitment. Is it about enhancing your well-being, finding fulfilment, or realising your full potential? By unravelling the core reasons behind your goals, you’ll discover a wellspring of motivation that transcends fleeting moments of enthusiasm.

Visualise the Endgame: Take a moment to vividly imagine the long-term benefits of achieving your resolutions. Picture the healthier, more vibrant version of yourself, revel in the sense of accomplishment as you reach milestones, and bask in the satisfaction of a life lived in alignment with your values. Visualisation not only adds a tangible dimension to your goals but also serves as a powerful motivator during moments of doubt.

Craft a Vision Board: Consider creating a visual representation of your goals through a vision board. Compile images, quotes, and symbols that resonate with your aspirations. This tangible reminder can serve as a daily affirmation, grounding your commitment in the visual representation of the life you’re working towards.

Establishing Consistency

Building on the foundation of your resolutions, it’s time to construct a consistent schedule that accommodates your new habits seamlessly into your daily life. Begin by identifying the time slots in your day that align with your energy levels and routine. Whether it’s the early hours of the morning or the tranquillity of the evening, choosing a time that suits you best is pivotal. Once identified, carve out dedicated time for your new habit, treating it with the same reverence as any other essential task.

The key is to start small and grow steadily. Attempting to overhaul your entire routine overnight can be overwhelming. Instead, start small. Begin with one habit and gradually introduce others as the initial behaviour becomes ingrained. This gradual approach mitigates overwhelm and increases the likelihood of long-term success. 

Leverage technology to your advantage by setting reminders on your phone or utilising habit-tracking apps. These gentle nudges are a constant companion, steering you back on course when distractions threaten your progress.

Research shows that doing the same thing over and over in a similar situation can make your brain link that action with that specific context. This happens through learning by association. So, when you come across the same situation again, your brain automatically activates the action as a habit. In simpler terms, repeating a simple action in a consistent setting can turn it into a habit.

 Let’s say you decide to start a workout routine, and every day after work, you change into your workout clothes and exercise in your living room. Over time, the repetition of changing into workout clothes and exercising in that specific context (your living room) becomes associated in your mind. Eventually, when you find yourself at home after work, your brain might automatically think it’s time to work out because of the strong association between being in your living room and exercising. This is how repeating a simple action (changing into workout clothes and exercising) in a consistent context (your living room) can lead to developing a workout habit.

Accountability Strategies

In the journey towards habit formation, accountability emerges as a powerful ally, providing the necessary support and motivation for sustained progress. One effective strategy is partnering with an accountability buddy. Sharing your goals with a friend or family member creates a sense of responsibility, encouraging mutual encouragement and progress checks.

Utilising habit-tracking apps is another invaluable tool. These apps assist in monitoring your consistency and sending timely reminders, acting as a virtual coach to keep you on track. The gentle nudges serve as powerful cues, reinforcing your commitment even during moments of distraction.

Joining online communities dedicated to similar goals fosters a sense of camaraderie and shared experiences. Whether it’s a fitness forum, a study group, or a professional network, these communities provide a platform for exchanging tips, celebrating victories, and receiving support during challenging times. The collective energy of like-minded individuals becomes a driving force, turning accountability into a dynamic force for positive change. By intertwining these strategies, you create a robust web of support, significantly enhancing your ability to overcome obstacles and stay steadfast on the path to lasting habit formation.

Adapting Challenges

Anticipating and addressing potential obstacles is as crucial as the habits themselves. Pausing to reflect on potential challenges is not a sign of weakness but a strategic move towards building resilience. Here are some strategies to overcome common hurdles and stay on course:

Identify Triggers and Plan Ahead: Pinpoint situations that might derail your progress, and strategise accordingly. Whether it’s stress, fatigue, or unexpected events, recognising triggers empowers you to plan proactive responses, minimising the impact on your habits.

Break Down Goals into Manageable Steps: Large, intimidating goals can be overwhelming. Break them down into smaller, more manageable steps. Focusing on achievable milestones boosts confidence and makes the path to success less daunting.

Learn from Setbacks: Instead of viewing setbacks as failures, treat them as learning opportunities. Analyse what went wrong, adjust your approach, and use the experience to refine your strategy. Resilience is built not by avoiding challenges but by bouncing back from them stronger.

Cultivate a Growth Mindset: Embrace a growth mindset by recognising that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. Research shows that when people adopt a growth mindset, they see the importance of a task and manage their own actions to get it done.

Build a Support System: Share your journey with friends, family, or mentors. Having a support system provides encouragement during tough times and offers a fresh perspective on overcoming obstacles. The collective wisdom of your support network can be a valuable resource.

Celebrate Progress, Not Just Perfection: Acknowledge and celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Shifting the focus from perfection to progress cultivates a positive mindset, motivating you to continue on your journey despite challenges.

Mindfulness and Reflection

Cultivating awareness in the moment enhances the overall experience and contributes significantly to the success of your habits. Mindfulness encourages being fully present in each action, fostering a deeper connection with the task at hand. By immersing yourself in the current moment, you enhance focus and intentionality, laying a solid foundation for habit execution.

Celebrating even the smallest victories is a cornerstone of habit success. Mindfulness prompts you to acknowledge and appreciate these moments, infusing a sense of achievement into your journey. Whether completing a workout or sticking to a study schedule, taking a moment to revel in these accomplishments reinforces positive behaviour.

Mindfulness allows you to detach from negative thoughts and self-criticism, creating space for self-compassion. Acknowledging and celebrating small wins elevates morale, providing the motivational fuel needed to persevere in the face of challenges.

Incorporating Rewards

Our brains are wired to respond to rewards, and understanding this mechanism allows us to create a powerful reinforcement cycle. Contrary to common belief, research suggests that dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward, is released not when the brain receives a reward but rather in anticipation of it. This insight sheds light on how understanding the role of dopamine can aid in sustaining habits, particularly those linked to small rewards. When we engage in activities associated with positive outcomes, our brain anticipates the reward, releasing dopamine to create a sense of pleasure and motivation. Therefore, incorporating small rewards into our habits can trigger this anticipatory release of dopamine, reinforcing the connection between the habit and the positive experience. 

Let’s take the habit of daily reading. Rather than waiting for the pleasure of finishing a book (the reward), understanding the anticipatory nature of dopamine allows us to enhance the habit formation process.

Before diving into a book, the mere anticipation of the positive outcomes—such as gaining knowledge, escaping into a captivating story, or experiencing a sense of accomplishment—triggers the release of dopamine in the brain. This anticipatory release of dopamine creates a feeling of pleasure and motivation even before the book ends.

Imagine incorporating a small reward into this habit, like sipping on a favourite beverage or taking a short break in a cosy spot after reading. By consistently pairing this small reward with the act of reading, the brain starts associating the anticipation of the reward with the reading habit. As a result, the release of dopamine becomes intertwined with the positive experience of reading, reinforcing the connection between the habit and the pleasurable anticipation.

Seeking Professional Guidance

If you find yourself grappling with persistent challenges on your journey to forming habits, consider contacting a habit coach or counselling psychologist for assistance. You can also look for online-counselling options. These professionals specialise in understanding behavioural patterns and can provide personalised strategies and support to help you overcome hurdles that may feel overwhelming on your own. 

A habit coach can offer tailored advice on setting realistic goals, staying motivated, and adapting strategies to fit your individual needs. On the other hand, a psychologist can delve into the underlying psychological aspects, addressing potential barriers and assisting you in building a resilient mindset. Seeking external assistance is a proactive step towards overcoming challenges, and the insights gained from professional guidance can prove invaluable in fostering sustainable habits and promoting overall well-being.

Building a Support System

Having a supportive network and sharing your goals with friends or family is a key ingredient in the recipe for success on your journey towards habit formation. Opening up about your aspirations creates a system of accountability, as those close to you become invested in your progress. 

Their encouragement provides a motivational boost during challenging times, and the shared sense of accomplishment strengthens your commitment. Moreover, your support network can offer valuable insights, share similar experiences, and provide constructive feedback, fostering a collaborative environment for growth. By weaving your goals into the fabric of your relationships, you fortify your determination and create a community that champions your success, making pursuing positive habits a shared and rewarding endeavour.

Celebrating Success Stories

One notable example is Shilpa Shetty Kundra. Renowned for her achievements in the entertainment industry, Shilpa is also celebrated for her commitment to a healthy lifestyle. She has embraced various habits, including a disciplined fitness routine and mindful eating practices. Shilpa often shares her workout sessions, yoga routines, and healthy recipes on social media, inspiring her followers to adopt similar habits. 

Her approach emphasises the holistic integration of wellness into daily life, encouraging not just physical fitness but also mental and emotional well-being. Shilpa Shetty Kundra has become an influential figure in motivating others to embark on their paths toward positive habits and overall wellness by showcasing her journey and advocating for a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Another example is the well-known actor Suniel Shetty. He has embraced a disciplined workout routine that includes a mix of weight training, cardiovascular exercises, and yoga. Suniel Shetty’s social media presence often showcases snippets of his fitness sessions and encourages his followers to prioritise their health. By embodying a balanced and active lifestyle, Suniel Shetty serves as a role model, proving that a commitment to a healthy lifestyle knows no age boundaries.


As we’ve traversed the science, strategies, and inspiring examples, one truth stands tall: the journey of habit formation is not a sprint but a marathon. The significance lies in the habits we cultivate and the profound transformation they usher into our lives. Embrace this journey with the understanding that every small step, every pause to reflect, and every celebration of progress contribute to the masterpiece you are creating.

In pursuing positive habits, remember that setbacks are not roadblocks but stepping stones. The key is resilience, self-compassion, and the unwavering commitment to your goals. As the new year unfolds, I am confident in your ability to set and stick to new habits. The canvas of 2024 is blank, waiting for the strokes of determination, the hues of consistency, and the artistry of your long-term commitment. May this year be a testament to your growth, resilience, and the beautiful habits you sculpt along the way. Here’s to a transformative journey ahead. You’ve got this!


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Van Der Weiden, A., Benjamins, J. S., Gillebaart, M., Ybema, J. F., & De Ridder, D. (2020). How to Form Good Habits? A longitudinal field study on the role of Self-Control in Habit formation. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.