Sreekanth – an Alcoholic Rescued by Serenity Foundation
Sreekanth’s story was originally posted on Serenity Foundation’s Website. To find out more about Serenity Foundation go to their site or check out their listing page.
I had beer for the first time at the age of 15 along with my school mates in the summer holidays after finishing my S.S.C. exams. I liked the effect that beer had on me and within week's time returned to the same group and had it once again. In the same month, I also had whisky once.

A Class at Serenity Foundation
I joined Intermediate, the group with whom I drank for the first time had left me but alcohol didn't. Throughout my two years of Intermediate, I used to drink on weekends, holidays, new year parties etc., and it didno harm to me and I thought that my drinking is in control.
Further, in B.Tech which I pursued in a far away place from my home town, due to freedom from parents, my drinking became regular and that conning, cheating and manipulation for my drinks started. Most of the times I used to hang out with seniors and like-minded students who use to drink like me. I started neglecting my studies and drinking was the top priority in my life. The result was me not completing my degree in time.
I came back home, instead of concentrating my B.Tech exams, I started working part-time to support my drinking habit, as by this time my parents stopped giving me money as they came to know that I am drinking. Later by God's grace I could complete my B.Tech. By this time drinking was a daily ritual for me.
I did not put any efforts to join in an MNC, as I thought it would not allow me to drink freely. I did jobs well below my capability just to get the money for drinking. My relationship with my parents became worse due to my drinking. I started drinking from dawn to dusk. Black-outs, Pass-outs and fights in bars were frequent. This is the time when I thought I should quit this habbit, but I did not know that I was dependent on alcohol physically and psychologically. All my efforts to stop or control the habbit failed. My parents took me to hospital for a health check-up, doctor after various tests told me that my liver enlarged and also my digestive system got spoiled and I should abstain from drinking for long period otherwise I may hit worst consequences, after which I abstained from alcohol for few days, and on the next new year party drank to my heart's content. At this instant, I felt that I cannot quit drinking and I had to die with it.
During my drinking days, I used to visit a close friend of mine with whom I used to share about my problems. This friend suggested me to join a rehab. I did not have any idea about a rehab and due to the social stigma attached to it, I always post-poned the proposal.
Unable to digest the pain and distress I was going through due to my habit, my friend consulted my parents, and asked them to take this decision of admitting me to a rehab.
My parents admitted me at SERENITY FOUNDATION for treatment. At SERENITY FOUNDATION, I was inducted into their Recovery Program, and for first time I came to know that I am suffering from a disease which has no cure. Counselor's Sessions and Self-Introspection helped me to identify myself as an Alcoholic. I realized the damages done in the Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Relationship areas of my life. Family Counseling helped my parents to understand my illness and also acted as a bridge in building a relationship with them again. I was introduced to A.A. fellowship, where I came to know the importance to the meetings in my Recovery. I used to listen to the member's sharings and derived the hope and strength to remain sober on a daily basis.
Throughout my stay at SERENITY FOUNDATION, Counselors and Staff gave their feedback from time to time and that in turn allowed me to look into myself rather than blaming the external factors, growth started in all the effected areas of my life. Today, I live life on a daily basis and tackle the problems as they come, most importantly without a drink. I am still in contact with my counselor at Serenity Foundation and whenever I need help, I go to him. I attend A.A. meetings regularly.
Finally, I should say that without the timely help I received from SERENITY FOUNDATION, I would not have made it. I ever remain grateful to this center; for all that they did in my life.