Signs of Hidden Drug or Alcohol Use
Think about a time when you did something that you didn’t want anyone else to know about. We’ve all been there. And we all have tactics to avoid revealing what we’ve done.
Especially in the early stages of an addiction, drug and alcohol addicts discover themselves consistently hiding the truth. Many addicts develop strategies and ways to get around telling people what’s really going on. This is especially true in conservative social groups.
I’ve narrowed down the common signs of hidden addictions. Here are four that you see all the time.
(1) Hiding The Addiction to Drugs or Alcohol
Look around the house. Check under the kitchen sink. Look in the bathroom closet, or under the bed. Addicts like to develop a network of hiding places. And usually, the network is inside of the house.
According to physician John Massella, you may notice that the person is particularly protective of certain rooms or areas of the house. Addicts are essentially “guarding” their stash of drugs, and in doing so they try to keep their addiction a secret.
(2) Physical Changes Due to Alcohol or Drug Abuse
There are many physical signs of drug or alcohol abuse. Usually, these visual warnings progressively get worse as the addiction eats away at the addict.
- Bloodshot eyes.
- Often an addict’s pupils will be larger or smaller than usual.
- Changes in sleeping and eating habits. Addicts can have difficulty sleeping and may suddenly lose or gain large amounts of weight.
- Deterioration of overall physical appearance.
- Unusual smells, slurred speech, or impaired gait.
(3) Asking For $$ to Fuel the Alcohol or Drug Addiction
This one is pretty basic.
Drugs cost money—and in many cases, LOTS of money. In order for an addict to fuel an addiction, he often has to borrow or steal money from friends and/or loved ones.
Be careful whom you lend money to. Even though you may think you’re helping them, you may actually be hurting them. Ask what they’re going to do with the money, and then make sure they do what they tell you.
(4) Making Excuses for Alcohol or Drug Addiction
“I’m not that bad!” “It wasn’t my fault.” “Really, I’m not hurting anyone but myself.” I have to drink for my work!” “Well, I’m not as bad as . . .”
If you have heard any of the above excuses given in reference to a drug or alcohol problem, you’re probably dealing with an addict who should seek treatment.
If you know someone who may have a secret addiction, encourage them to get help. Listed on our site is an online directory of over 1,300 centres located across India. Find a centre near you or your friend with a secret addiction right now.
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