• LuxuryRehabs.com


    LuxuryRehabs.com makes finding a treatment center effortless. Offering a comprehensive list of the world’s top luxury centers, choosing the best path to your recovery has never been easier.

  • The Dependent Stage: An Unsolvable Maze

    The Dependent Stage: An Unsolvable Maze

    This is a continuation of our blog series: "The Cycle of Addiction." Read the previous post, which discusses the third stage: The Instrumental Stage: A Familiar Routine In order to survive on planet earth, there are certain things you absolutely must do. Eat. Sleep. Move. Breath. Your body must keep pumping blood. Your lungs have……

  • Three Things Everybody Needs to Know About Cell Phone Addiction

    Three Things Everybody Needs to Know About Cell Phone Addiction

    Five years ago a new word wiggled its way into the English dictionary. Thanks to a few British researchers determined to show the world its dependence on technology, "nomophobia" became the term to describe our mobile technology addiction.

  • The Instrumental Stage: A Familiar Routine

    The Instrumental Stage: A Familiar Routine

    This is a continuation of our blog series: “The Cycle of Addiction.” Read the previous post, which discusses the second stage: The Social Stage: Beginning to Lose Control I've been playing piano for nearly a decade. In my years behind the keys, low keys have always produced low sounds, and high keys high sounds. Because……

  • The Social Stage: Beginning to Lose Control

    The Social Stage: Beginning to Lose Control

    This is a continuation of our blog series: “The Cycle of Addiction.” Read the previous post, which discusses the first stage: The Experimental Stage: The First Step on a Dark Path During the social stage the substance begins to change different facets of the user’s life. From the way the person feels, to how he……

  • Family Members and Insecurities About Addiction Treatment

    Family Members and Insecurities About Addiction Treatment

    This is a guest blog post written by Azhar, a recovering addict who works at Shafa Home. The views & opinions expressed in any guest post featured on our site are those of the guest author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions & views of DeAddictionCentres.IN as a whole. We are thrilled to have……

  • When Shafa Changed My Life

    When Shafa Changed My Life

    When I came here in SHAFA, I initially felt trapped and was totally close minded and angry with every one especially my family. I had started my addiction with smoking at the age of 15yrs, that turned into serious drinking and multiple addiction before I completed 18yrs. I was admitted to SHAFA on 27-06-2008, I……

  • The Experimental Stage: The First Step on a Dark Path

    The Experimental Stage: The First Step on a Dark Path

    I took a number of chemistry courses in college. Class often consisted of experiments and demonstrations to visually explain what we were learning. These experiments were well calculated, and almost always, we knew what would happen. When people first experiment with drugs, the process is similar. Usually, the individual careful measures how much he takes……

  • Free Addiction Seminars in Delhi and Mumbai

    Free Addiction Seminars in Delhi and Mumbai

    The Cabin, Thailand’s premiere drug and alcohol rehab centre, will be hosting free addiction and recovery training seminars in the month of May. Join the Cabin as addiction experts deliver informative and cutting edge talks on the latest and most effective methods in addiction treatment. Delhi: May 13th Shangri-La’s – Eros Hotel, New Delhi 9am……

  • Your Family: Addiction’s Greatest Casualty

    Your Family: Addiction’s Greatest Casualty

    A few weeks ago, as I drove home from a football match, a woman turned her car in front of mine. I didn’t see her until the front end of my car crunched like an accordion into hers. She made a choice, and I paid for it. In a perfect world, only our good choices……