• The Importance of Personalised Treatment

    The Importance of Personalised Treatment

    Addiction is a complex disease that can cause uncharacteristic compulsive behaviors leading to destructive actions that pull families apart and ruin lives. The effects of addiction are hard to ignore, but often, they are quickly justified, or dealt with through, harsh, and sometimes rushed treatment processes. Because the fingers of addiction reach into every facet……

  • Cost of Addiction Calculator

    Do you and your family understand the real cost of addiction? Our friends at Duffy’s Rehab have put together this handy addiction cost calculator that helps put in perspective the amount of financial, physical and emotional costs associated with addiction. This perspective can help making the choice to find help an easier one.

  • 4 Reasons to Recover in Thailand

    4 Reasons to Recover in Thailand

    Thailand has an ever-growing reputation for its industry of medical tourism. Travellers visit for everything from dental needs to sex changes. With the last decade bringing with it considerable growth to the rehab industry, the country has seen an increase of international guests seeking drug and alcohol addiction treatment—some have dubbed these travellers as “rehab……

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  • 3 Things the Lotus Teaches Us about Recovery

    3 Things the Lotus Teaches Us about Recovery

    The Lotus, India“s national flower, is a plant that grows in murky waters across our country. The plant stands as a symbol of purity and hope for many, and holds within itself a surprising wealth of lessons. The roots of the Lotus weave through muddy waters and prepare a bright flower that will eventually rest……

  • The Problem of Youth Addiction and How You Can Help

    The Problem of Youth Addiction and How You Can Help

    They live in the shadows. Maybe you've seen them. They follow each other to dark corners, hands full of poison. Used needles and stained prescription bottles litter these corners. In tight huddles, they look at each other–bloodshot eyes–they inhale the poison. Some jab their arms with thin needles to empty syringes filled with cocktails of……

  • Dual Diagnosis – A (Treatable) Two Headed Monster

    Dual Diagnosis – A (Treatable) Two Headed Monster

    Imagine your doctor telling you a severe disease has taken over much of your liver, and if it isn’t treated soon, your life could be in jeopardy. You might look at him in disbelief and start to ask a question, but then he stops you and says there’s more. He explains that you were dually……

  • Drugs That Can Kill You in 5 Minutes

    Drugs That Can Kill You in 5 Minutes

    Life can be very hard and nearly everyone has days where they want to give up. If you are having such a day in your life and your mind is asking the question “how to kill yourself”, then you need to remind yourself that there is hope as well as help.

  • India’s Youth – On Drugs

    India’s Youth – On Drugs

    We have an addiction problem in India. In Punjab the numbers are ridiculous—nearly 75% of its youth are severely addicted to drugs, that's 3 out of every 4 children. Mumbai, Hyderabad and other cities around the country are quickly gaining a reputation for their drug usage; and the population in each of these cities continues……

  • Choosing the Perfect De-addiction Centre: 7 Helpful Tips

    Choosing the Perfect De-addiction Centre: 7 Helpful Tips

    Millions of people once addicted to drugs or alcohol have found ways to sober up and stay sober. Organisations like Alcoholics Anonymous and their infamous 12-step programme have helped thousands, and myriads of treatment centres around the world have helped clients accomplish their goals of getting and staying clean. But maybe you’ve been to rehab……

  • Crystal Methamphetamine

    Crystal Methamphetamine

    Crystal methamphetamine—probably better known as “crystal meth”, or just “meth”—is a white crystalline drug abused by people of all ages. Meth users experience a sudden “rush” of pleasure, strong feelings of confidence, hyperactiveness and energy for as long twenty-four hours after taking the drug. The longer and intense “high” meth gives its user has increased……