Symptoms of Depression in Teens
15 Symptoms of Depression in Teens Is your teenage daughter or son simply experiencing the ups and downs of adolescence, or could they be displaying signs of depression? The teenage years can be challenging for both parents and children as they navigate the process of self-discovery. Understanding the symptoms of depression in teens is crucial……
How to Help a Child Whose Parents are Struggling with Addiction
Addiction is a serious problem that affects not only the person struggling with it but also those around them. You might know a child or teenager who is going through a tough time because of parental addiction. Whether you’re a family member, guardian, teacher, or coach, you may feel unsure about how to help the……
What are some of the most popular therapies used for de-addiction treatment?
Karan’s life spiralled into addiction, leaving him broken and isolated. Seeking help, he enrolled in therapy, where he found understanding and guidance. Through therapy, he uncovered the root causes of his addiction and learned healthier coping mechanisms. With support from group sessions, Karan realised he wasn’t alone and gained strength from shared experiences. Today, he……
How to deal with red flags in a relationship
Human connection and relationships are a part of our life. They contribute to our mental health and well-being by giving us a feeling of belonging, love and compassion. But not all relationships are good for us. Some relationships might be toxic and affect our mental health in a negative way. Red flags in a relationship……
What is the Mental Health Act 2017
Did you know that just a few years ago, the mental health law in India allowed judicial officers and mental health establishments to authorise long-stay admissions of persons with mental illness (PMI) — often against the informed consent and wishes of the individual? This law, known as the Indian Mental Health Act 1987, also mandated……
Mental health-related statutory bodies in India
Is the mental health crisis now a pandemic growing within the Covid pandemic? The numbers certainly seem to say so. According to a scientific brief by the World Health Organization (WHO), the global prevalence of anxiety and depression grew by a massive 25% in the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic. WHO estimates that 1……
Treatment options for body dysmorphia
Body dysmorphia, a mental health condition characterized by a preoccupation with perceived flaws in one’s appearance, can have a significant impact on an individual’s well-being and quality of life. While it is normal to have some insecurities about one’s appearance, body dysmorphia goes beyond that, leading to excessive distress and impairment in daily functioning. Seeking……
How to stay healthy while working on a night shift
Working late hours can turn even a dream job into a health nightmare. For Ravi (name changed), a software engineer, working remotely for international companies was a dream coming true. However, the irregular work timings with late nights to match the time zones of his clients soon began to take a toll on his health….…
Seven Signs of a Healthy Romantic Relationship
Maybe you’ve just started dating someone, or maybe you’ve been in a relationship for over a decade. Irrespective of where one is in their relationship, this question has crossed everyone’s mind at some point: Am I in a healthy relationship? And no, just asking this question does not mean that you are in a bad……