Understanding alcohol toxicity, withdrawal & detoxification
One of the essential products of global addiction demand is alcohol or its relative beverages. In developing countries like India, this trend has led to significant alcohol consumption issues because of our nation’s socio-cultural practices. This has also led to major addiction problems, especially in the younger generations. A joint report by the Ministry of……
Methamphetamine Drug Guide
The drug methamphetamine is one of the highly addictive substances in the whole world. Methamphetamine is a shiny salt white or sometimes blue rock-like substance, usually called “a glass drug”. It is often smoked with a glass pipe. However, people are abusing it in many different ways which involve snorting and injecting. With a prescription……
Everything You Need to Know About Cocaine Withdrawal
When a person uses cocaine, it reaches the brain within minutes and starts euphoric effects. Even though the effect doesn’t last long, it affects severely after binge use. After a couple of days or months when a person builds tolerance against the cocaine, they start using it more often and in high doses to feel……
Webinar- Balancing Life Post-COVID by Alpha Healing Centre
In our weekly webinars, we talk about various industry scenarios and challenges of rehabs across the country along with the de-addiction and mental health challenges faced by the mental health community and people in general. In the ninth webinar of the series, we invited Mr Vijay Patel – CEO of Alpha Healing Center along with……
Sex Addiction- Cause, Effect & Treatment
Introduction Sex addiction can be characterised as an intimacy disorder consisting of sexually compulsive thoughts and acts. Similar to other types of addiction, sex addiction also begins to get severe as you progress. Definition Sex addiction can be defined by a range of compulsive behaviours of a person that can affect a person’s life significantly. ……
What is Sober Living?
To live in a safe environment while being in recovery from any addiction treatment. Choosing ‘Sober Living Homes’ is one of the most reliable and smart decisions for recovery. It allows you to recover in a place where other people who are in a similar situation will be living with you; it will make you……
Is Cocaine Really Addictive?
Introduction Cocaine or Coke is a stimulant drug mostly found as a white powder. People consume it by snorting, smoking, injecting, or rubbing on the gums. Cocaine is highly addictive because it has a high potential of causing dependence. When used, cocaine changes brain chemistry and causes various physical, psychological, and behavioural changes, including some……
How to tell if someone is sniffing cocaine?
Cocaine is an illicit, powerful stimulant drug. Repeated abuse of cocaine leads one to cocaine addiction. The risk to physical and mental health is high in this case. Most people use cocaine for the euphoric rush in the brain. If a person snorts, smokes, or injects cocaine – the level of dopamine and euphoria increases….…
How much does rehab cost?
The cost of visiting a rehabilitation centre varies from place to place. But nonetheless, the cost involved in availing the facility of a rehabilitation centre is nothing in comparison to the cost of improving your life.. Now you must be wondering what a rehabilitation centre really is. A rehabilitation centre is a place where you……
The Issue Of Addiction Among Elderlies
It is hard to imagine old people having substance abuse problems. However, it does exist. There are a few who have been addicts their whole life but there are also cases who have recently started abusing drugs due to psychological, physical and social issues around them.